Sherwood digital PLC, a company with 15 years of experience, creates and maintains websites, e-shops, portals, applications, creative concepts, and marketing campaigns, among other things.


Excellent cooperation with both the architect and the client concluded with the successful execution of the office space for Sherwood digital PLC. This is another execution in Brno. We were very honoured to become a helping hand with the choice of furniture, including supplying unusual receptions desks and a bar. The dominant feature of the space is the Only 1 table system, which combines lacquered MDF and veneer table surfaces.

  • Name of the realization: SHERWOOD Digital a.s.
  • City of the realization: Brno
  • Author: Irena Tomisová Architects, fotograf: Petr Slavík
  • Investor: SHERWOOD Digital a.s.
  • Year of the realization: 2017
  • Size of the realization: vybavení kanceláří, kuchyněk, recepce, zasedacích místností
  • U1 interiors products: Only1, RIM, atypické truhlářské výrobky